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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ABC's NOT Elementary Dear Watson

"But, why do I have to say the ABC's if I already know the words?"  from Sierra a 3 year old.

It was all up hill from there.  Her Pre-school teacher recommended we hold Sierra out of Kindergarten because she did not know her letters yet.  It was more than that though, she avoided letters and any kind of reading like the plague.  She loved to watch Television but steered clear of anything with letters such as a book without pictures.  We did not heed the advice of the pre-school teacher and Sierra began Kindergarten in 2007.

Sometimes we regretted not holding her back.  While she was ready socially, she was not interested in learning the fundamentals of language.  She could carry on an intellectual conversation with anyone because she had been speaking now for over 4 years, in some cases 1-2 years earlier than her peers.

It was only now the time when we began to consider that there may be a problem with our intelligent little girl.

We did not lack an ear full of advice from friends and teachers, in fact everyone was eager to give their thoughts on the matter.  We began with the basics, her eyes and ears.

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